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Greg Bennet

251.99 €

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En savoir plus sur ce produit

*** Disponible = Livrable en 3-4 jours pour autant que les informations de disponibilité fournisseurs soient correctes.


parlor guitar, spruce top, mahogany back & sides, Clearwave T, blue 

The popularity of the parlor guitar peaked between the late 19th century until the 1950's. Many blues and folk musicians used the parlor guitar because they were more affordable with their smaller bodies. 
In the past decade made its comeback because of its history, midrangery tone and portability. 


- Spruce top 
- Mahogany back & sides 
- Rosewood fingerboard 
- White pearl soundhole 
- PPS nut and saddle 
- Clearwave T tuner 
- Blue

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